Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dandelion Noodles

I'm sure you have heard of "spinach noodles."  Well, these are "Dandelion Noodles" and they are not only delicious, but very nutritious as well!

Dandelion Noodles

Go out and pick some dandelion leaves.  It does not matter if you pick them early before they turn bitter.  Your noodles are going to taste really nice.

Wash them, and dry them on a towel or give them a whirl in your salad spinner.

Remove the tender leaf parts from the rib in the middle. Discard the ribs.

Here is what I used:

1 1/4 cups dandelion greens, packed down
1/4 cup water
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon Realsalt
"Goldenwhite" flour ~ it is organic and has the germ and about 10% of the bran left in it

Place the greens and water in a small saucepan, put on the lid and steam the greens until they are tender.

Allow to cool, then put the greens, eggs, and salt in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour into a bowl and start adding flour, a little at a time until it is stiff enough to knead.  Knead on a floured surface for about 3 minutes.

Divide into two pieces and roll each one out on a floured surface, very thinly, and then cut into noodles with a pizza cutter.

Drop into boiling water and simmer for 5 minutes.  Drain and serve with plenty of butter and salt.  


  1. Thank you. They really are good.

  2. I've never had dandelion greens. Around here I'd be afraid to eat them because they all grow on grass that is fertilized with chemicals. They look really good!

    1. That is very true... you need to find dandelions in a wild area where no one cares enough to spray, and it's not close to the road where it can absorb exhaust. But, you can also make spinach noodles, or some other greens if you wish.
