Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday musings... sewing lessons and a new way to compost

This is a picture of my favorite neighbor.  Her name is Heather, and she is 9 years old.  I asked her grandma (with whom she lives) if it would be alright if I were to teach Heather to sew this summer.  Today was her first lesson.  She is a natural!  The first thing I had her do was use the sewing machine, without thread, to sew over lines I drew on paper.  She did very well, even on the curves.

Then, she made a pillowcase under my scrutiny and frequent suggestions.  I helped her a little with the ironing, because that's kind of scary, but she did most of it.  I just showed her what to do, and she did nearly all of it, and her pillowcase is very nice.

Last week, I helped her plant a small vegetable plot in our garden.  This is going to be a good and productive summer!

About the composting...  my efforts at "composting" amount to throwing kitchen scraps (not meat and things like that) into a bin outside and just letting it do it's thing.  I have no desire to do it in a faster way, that requires formulas and turning.  I've always just let it rot for a year and then used it.  It works just fine, but is slow.  I read about this other thing I am doing, somewhere, and finally decided to do it.  When my little bucket of scraps gets kind of full, I put some water in the electric blender, add the scraps and puree them.  Then, taking a hoe to the garden, I dig a small trench, pour in the gloop and cover it with soil.  I'm sure the earthworms will be pleased, and, in time, this should really help the garden! FYI, I have an extra blender container that I am using.  That's probably not important, but reduces the "ick" factor.  I always wash it well anyway.

What do you think about it?


  1. I think you are amazing to teach your young neighbor. I still remember my 4th grade teacher showing me how to crochet, and I had wonderful, doting parents.

    1. Thanks, Patti. :) Those memories are so special. My mom and dad took me to a friend to teach me to knit, so I had a similar experience. My parents were wonderful, also. You and I were so lucky.

  2. Vitamix has always recommended a separate container for blending compost scraps. Pesticide build up in the plastic is one reason. Glass probably wouldn't have that problem.

  3. Thank you, for making time for her. I used to work with teens. My, how they thrived with guidance & a willing teacher. May we never be too busy for others...
    She will always remember this. Think of the many blessings she will/could create. Hopefully, she will show someone how to use the "lost art" of sewing :)

  4. I still wish I lived next door to you Yolanda. I could learn so much from you, my neighbor who lives far to far away from me.

    I also blend my scraps and dump them I to a large planter full of soil. I mix it up and let it sit. Next year I will use it to add to each of the raised beds I have to garden in. My soil gets better with age.;)

    1. Hi, Carol! :) How interesting! How big is this planter full of soil? Is it sitting in your garden?

  5. It's so nice that you're teaching Heather to sew!

    1. It was a really nice experience. We plan to do more next summer. :)
