Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Free Garlic Seeds Again!!

Here is a picture of me, 3 years ago, when I harvested our garlic.  Well, it's that time of year again, and as I've been doing for a few years, I am offering free garlic seeds to my readers. If you would like some, leave a comment (I will not publish it) with your email address.  I will email my mailing address to you and then if you will send me an SASE with TWO first-class stamps on it, I will send you some seeds.  When you get them, plant them in some nice soil, mulch lightly, and in two years you will have garlic to harvest.  After that, you can plant the individual cloves each year and continue to grow it.  This garlic is wonderful and hardy.  When I harvest it, I hang it up to dry in the front porch and after about a month, I cut off most of the tops, and just keep the bulbs in a basket hanging above my kitchen sink.  I am still using some of what I grew last year!  You will love it!

HERE is a link to a great article/slide show, on how to grow, harvest, and store garlic, put out by Seed Saver's Exchange.

1 comment:

  1. :) I wish you could grow it there! Of course, you could plant cloves and just cut the leaves to use in cooking for the garlic flavor.
