Wednesday, August 6, 2014

I love this time of year....

I often think that this is the "real" time of the year.  The winter is, for me, just when I am waiting for the the summer and the garden bounty, nice temperatures, sunshine, bird song... in the words of a song from the  musical, "Porgy and Bess," --- "Summertime...and the livin' is easy..."  That's how I feel.  Even though I work really hard all spring and summer and into the fall, it makes me happy.

Here is a picture of what I had for breakfast this morning.  I went out to the garden and found a very small zucchini squash, melted 1 Tablespoon of butter in a small skillet and grated the zucchini into it.  I sauteed that for a little while.  Then, I took 2 of the tiny itty bitty eggs from our baby chickens that have just begun to lay, and scrambled them in a small bowl with a bit of water, some salt and pepper.  I poured that over the zucchini and cooked it together.  Then I put a 1 ounce slice of marble cheese on top, turned off the heat and let it sit until the cheese was nicely melted.  I ate all of that with a cut up nectarine.  Oh, it was so good.  Come over and I'll fix some for you too!


  1. I would love to sit and visit with you! You are a wealth of knowledge and such a spirit of happiness. PS I do the same thing in a skillet with some eggs and cheese, what ever is fresh or leftover always goes well with egg and cheese.

    1. Thank you, Melynda. Yes, that would be so nice if we could visit!

  2. I made zucchini fritters this morning for good. I also like to slice up a zucchini and fry in a little coconut oil then beat up an egg and scramble into the zucchini slices...yum!

    Love this time of year also with all of the garden goodies!

    1. Thank you for sharing! What is a "zucchini fritter?"

  3. I liked your idea of the shredded zucchini/omelet combo so much that that's what I made for my lunch. Added a little salsa on the side and finished it with fresh Okanagon cantaloupe. Yum! Definitely a weight watchers kinda meal. Thank you. Sandy
