Monday, August 11, 2014

Garden Bounty!

Yes, I'm barefoot.  When the weather is warm, that's how I like to work in the garden, and when it's harvest time, it makes it easier not to stomp on something edible.  We brought in quite a few winter squash this morning and some little melons as well as cabbages.  I was able to walk amongst the crowded vines without destroying anything.  :)  In that picture, I'm wearing my wonderful garden apron.  I can work out there without getting my clothing all dirty.  Here, I have baskets of cucumbers, jalapenos, green peppers, okra and zucchini squash.

 Some of the bounty!

Here is my garden fairy (a.k.a. our daughter) wheeling in the goodies.

And tomatoes!  I have to pick them before they are "dead ripe," because otherwise insects get to them first and they spoil.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Katy. It has been a very good year.

  2. Lovely bounty, indeed. What are the yellow things in front? They look like lemons? Yes , somedays you just need a wheelbarrow and someone to push it for you!

    1. Those are a small sweet melon. I really don't like them very much, and can't remember the name of the variety, but my daughter would know.

  3. Wonderful bounty! Thanks so much for the garlic seeds, they came today. I do appreciate your sharing them!

  4. You are very welcome. If you can, please let me know if your garlic is successful!

    1. I definitely will let you know. I want to do some research, as I was thinking about planting them in tires since they like loose soil.

  5. Wonderful harvest! I am guessing you have a root cellar, we are making a spot in the garden shed for a trial run to root cellar a few items.

    1. No, we don't have a root cellar, I'm sad to say. I use one of the bedrooms and don't heat it during the winter. It stays no colder than 40 F. I have a small air conditioner in there during the hotter months. Not ideal, but the beat I can do. I covered the window glass with aluminum foil to keep the light out, also. After I let my potatoes dry, I put them in brown paper bags and set them in that room.

  6. We made a root cellar in our basement last fall just in time. It's a ranch with a totally open basement so we chose the NE corner which just happened to be the farthest from the furnace and water heater. Husband found instructions on line ....Mother Earth News, I think. It's been empty all summer ....waiting :)

    1. That's really nice! You will enjoy it so much. We don't have a basement. I do have a book called "Root Cellaring," which has all sorts of storage ideas in it, but have not tried anything at this house. Our previous house had a wonderful old root cellar. How I miss it!
