Thursday, January 15, 2015

How to clean your tub/shower - Soooo exciting! ;)

We have lived in this house for just over 20 years now.  I just cleaned the bathroom.  I would have preferred to write that I clean it every week, but I don't always do that.  I was thinking about that as I was down on my hands and knees washing the floor and I decided that I've probably cleaned that bathroom about 500 times in the years we have lived here.  That's a lot of times.  Not remarkable, except, that I have finally, as of today, come up with the Best Method Ever for cleaning our bathtub/shower.  It is one of those molded fiberglass units, very smooth and nice, actually. Unfortunately, like all such things, it gets a build up of soap scum and grunge on it.  I have tried many ways to clean it - "scrubbing bubbles", Commet cleanser, Bar keeper's Friend, baking soda, borax, and probably some I don't even remember.  All of them were okay, but nothing to get too excited about.  But NOW!!!!  TA-Da!!!  Eureka!  I have discovered something.  You are going to be amazed and shocked! 

Here is the scrubber thingie I've been using for a few years now, and I love it.  It does make the job easier.  These sorts scrubbers are available all over the place.  Just look in the area where they sell rubber gloves and toilet bowl brushes.  Here is one available online.

Now comes the secret -  Get the scrubber wet first.  Then, squirt a smallish stream of cheap shampoo in the bottom of your tub.  Then scrub as usual.  Voila!  Clean!  Easy!  Sparkling!

It makes sense... I mean, we use that stuff to wash our hair and it removes oils and other things.  It Really Works.  I used Suave (because that's what I have on hand) but I'm sure any regular shampoo would work.  There is no need to use anything expensive.

Try it and see what you think!


  1. You're going to laugh, but I clean our shower when I'm in it! I use a sponge with a scrubby side and no cleaner. I'll have to try shampoo next time, because I can't seem to get the shower doors free of the water spots with just a sponge.

    1. I think my comment got eaten.

      I like yo clean my shower while I'm in it too! Last time I used baking soda to scrub the grout. I haven't found anything to clean the glass well though, and I've tried a lot of things!

    2. I read, just last night, that if you put an application of car wax on your shower doors, it really helps to KEEP them clean. Maybe the shampoo would work to clean them?

  2. Sounds really easy! Thanks for sharing! I love the post! Greets, Mortlake Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

    1. You're welcome, and you're right! It's very easy.

  3. I also clean my bath tub and kitchen sink with scrubber and white vinegar. I will also try shampoo next time to clean it. Do you have some recommendations for me how I can hire weekly or monthly services of house cleaners? I need affordable services for cleaning my home, so please help.

    1. gain mark, I'm sorry to say I know nothing about hiring cleaning services. My sister in law has a lady come in twice a month and I think it's quite expensive. You might consider finding a likely teenager and her/his friend and hire them to do it. Of course, the first time through, you'd have to demonstrate exactly what you want done.
