Saturday, January 3, 2015

More Rag Rugs!

See this mess??

My kitty likes it.  As you can see, my dining room is not exactly ready for company.  That is because we are preparing to move into our mobile home after it gets here.  I am trying to make some braided rag rugs to put by the bedsides in our new bedroom.  I found THIS tutorial, and am following it. 

I went to our local Goodwill store and purchased 3 bed sheets.  I began working on the braid and suddenly something occurred to me.  My sweet cousin, a number of months ago, redecorated her guest bedroom and she gave me the bed comforter, curtains, lamps with shades, pillow shams and sheets that she was done using.  When I bought the sheets for the rugs, I was not thinking AT ALL about trying to match them to the decor in our bedroom.  But, I got up from where I was working and brought out one of the lampshades.  As you can see, my rugs will match perfectly!

This really made me smile.  Here is the shade atop the fabrics:

Nothing short of amazing!

I tore all of the sheets into 2 inch strips:

And, I've been braiding them into a long long braid.  Instead of joining them as she did in her instructions, I am sewing them like this:

Then I trim off the excess:

and here is how that seam looks:

The rug will be smoother and I think maybe a bit more durable?

When you are braiding, you need something to hold onto the completed braid while you work.  My husband made this really cool thing for me. 

The part hanging down below wrapped in duct tape is metal and very heavy.  All I have to do is push it up and advance my work.  Pure genius!  He saw me struggling with a clamp and knew it would make my hand sore after a while.  I do love that man.  I will, hopefully, post pictures when I get the rugs done.  This is fun :).


  1. What a beautiful match. When the perfect item is waiting for me at the thrift, I remember God takes the time to meet all my needs if I have faith.
    Hope your wonderful furnishings ease your move.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you, Patti, and I completely agree. This was most definitely a tender mercy of the Lord. :)

  2. It is funny how we sometimes already have what we need and don't even realize it.
    I am looking forward to seeing the completed rugs. Hope you have a smooth move.m

  3. My grandmother use to make braided rugs and I still have a fondness for them. I love the tool your husband made for you! Also thanks for the attachment tutorial for the strips, I am looking forward to seeing your finished rugs. I think using sheets is brilliant, and usually a good buy even when thrifting. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words, Melynda! That is so nice that your grandmother made braided rugs. Do you remember what she used?

  4. I think you did a better tutorial then the one you linked too. You definitely have a better, stronger looking braid, and a much neater one also. Your joining technique is the better one.

    Most of my rugs are of wool strips. I have two rugs out of my grandma's house over 60 years old and the wool holds up. I have occasionally done
    a bit of mending but if you hand stitch correctly the thread is buried in the braid and protected.

    I have little metal sliders that go on each strand that I like and that make a consistent trifold. I have RA and need help sometimes.

    I'm glad you are keeping an old craft going.

    1. Thank you. I think maybe I used to have some of those little metal sliders... not sure, but then I never got around to using them. I wonder if they are still available. It would make the rug nicer if the raw edges were turned in. My mother had some wool rag rugs that she paid a lady to make for her. They were, as you say, very durable and nice. I do love doing the old crafts.

  5. It's amazing that everything matches! You are blessed.
