Sunday, July 5, 2015

Three-quarters of a bushel of green beans!

I've worked really really hard this year to keep ahead of the weeds.  It worked very well until we had day after day of rain.  I am not complaining about the rain!  But now, the garden is a wooly mess!  That's ok.  The vegetables, as you can see above, have gotten a good head start.  :)


  1. That looks luscious! I feel the same about the rain-can't complain but WOW weeds! :D

  2. Wow! that's a whole lot of green beans! we like to cook them for breakfast, just scrambled eggs with green beans.

    1. That sounds really nice, Mely. Just this morning, I made an egg scramble with sauteed zuchinni, onion, jalapeno and Swiss cheese. It was so good.

  3. That picture is giving me snapping and jello pudding pop nightmares. :)
