Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Salsa 2015 !!!

Almost exactly 2 years ago, I posted my recipe for "Millenial Salsa" that I have been making since the year 2000.  Today, I came up with a new recipe after looking at the recipes from 2 friends and adding my own experience.  This is just called ~

SALSA 2015

Here is how I did it.  You will need a 2 gallon stainless soup pot.

The following ingredients are minced in a food processor.

2 cups loosely packed fresh basil leaves
1 whole bulb of garlic, peeled of course
20 smallish Jalapeno peppers, stem ends removed
4 cups minced yellow onions

Put all of that in the pot and then add ~

8 teaspoons sea salt
3 Tablespoons chili powder
3 teaspoons ground cumin
1 Tablespoon dried oregano
3/4 cup raw apple cider vinegar
1 1/4 cups lemon juice (I used bottled)

Next, you will chop fresh tomatoes, coarsely, in the food processor.  I only used "grape" tomatoes, because that's what I had. Roma tomatoes would be an excellent choice.  It took about 1/3 of a bushel.  Put them in the pot until it is nearly full.

Carefully bring it to a simmer, stirring often.  Add ~

4 small cans of tomato paste and stir well.  Heat through.

I processed all of this in pint jars for 40 minutes in my steam canner.  (A water-bath needs the same time.)

I got 15 pints.  Here are some of them:

It's very good.  Of course, you can play with the recipe according to what you have on hand, but do add the vinegar and lemon juice at least.



  1. Lots of salsa! :) I just posted a recipe using the cherry tomatoes salsa, but you can use any type of salsa. It is another of my grandma's recipes. But is is very popular in my country. Regards!

  2. I can almost smell it burbling away!

    I just recently made an easy Spanish rice recipe I found online by adding a cup of salsa with the cooking liquid when making rice. I was a little skeptical but it turned out really good!

    1. That sounds really interesting. So... you substitute some salsa for some of the water, or add it in addition?

    2. The recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups rice to 2 cups broth/water and 1 cup salsa. You can saute the dried rice with some diced onions before adding the liquid/salsa to give it extra flavor. Very easy and good!

    3. Thank you. It sounds so nice. I will try it!

  3. Replies
    1. :) I hope you will let me know how you like it!
