Friday, August 12, 2016
Dehydrating to save space...
Since we are now in a considerably smaller house, and my food storage space is much reduced, I've been doing a lot more dehydrating this year. I've canned a few things, But now all of that space is filled. Here is the shelf where I have the things I've dehydrated.
It is so convenient to make soup in a pressure saucepan, and I really enjoy having these items to use. It only takes 10 minutes, at pressure, for the soup to be ready and as good as if I had simmered it all day.
I think these are the things I have done: green beans, sweet corn, diced potatoes, kale powder, tomatoes, tomato powder, small yellow tomatoes, summer squash, celery, cucumbers, green tomato slices, oyster mushrooms and okra.
We live and die by our pressure cooker - uses less power, converts the toughest food into delicious delights.