Thursday, August 11, 2016

A view from my kitchen...

There is a lot going on in the kitchen these days...

     On the kitchen island this morning, I can see...

          A bucket of brined dills, a bucket of 14 - day sweet pickles, jars of dehydrated vegetables,

               jars of garlic seeds, canned tomatoes, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, sweet corn...

                    Right in the middle is a jar with a little bit of sauerkraut.  A friend gave me a small cabbage from her garden, so I made kraut for her and will take it to her this afternoon.  :)

I love this time of year.


  1. I must have missed this post first time around. Your kitchen is busy like ours. Course everything has wound down now. We brought in another load of all the almost ripened and the largest of the green tomatoes. I estimate 260 or so. I don't know how much more we will get out of the garden, other than root vegetables and the vine vegetables. Cabbage and Brussels sprouts, yes.
