Thursday, August 4, 2016

Re-post - Preserving Fresh Basil!

I would like to remind you that if you still have fresh basil, you can very easily save it to use all winter long!  Here is a post I did a few years ago about that:

How to Preserve fresh Genovese Basil

I have never tried companion planting before. I grew my own Genovese basil transplants this year and so had quite a few and decided to plant them next to tomato plants, as I had heard that is a good combination. It must be. I've never had such glorious basil before! The basil is on the left next to the tomato plant.

I went out this afternoon and cut a basketful of the fresh basil.

Then I removed the leaves from the stems, washed them well and gave them a few spins in the salad spinner.

Next I chopped them in the food processor and put them into a quart jar.

Finally, I covered them with raw apple cider vinegar and put a lid on the jar.

If my house was cooler, I'd just let it sit in a cupboard, but the house gets pretty hot this time of year, so I will store it in the refrigerator. When I want basil for cooking (pesto, spaghetti sauce, pizza, soup, roast, chicken.. etc.) I can just retrieve what I need and it will be like having fresh basil all year!


  1. Thank you. Have you tried this with other herbs?

    1. No, I haven't Melynda, but I would think it would work just as well!

  2. This is very interesting, does the basil have a vinegar flavor to it being stored this way and do you keep it refrigerated during the winter. Going to be trying this, thanks for sharing.

    1. Cheryl, I always squeeze the vinegar out when I use it, so if there is some, it is only a little and won't affect the taste of the soups I use it in. Incidentally, that vinegar is very nice in a salad dressing too. And yes, I keep it in the refrigerator all of the time.

  3. I was about to ask the same thing about the vinegar flavor. But afterall, I only use it on salads and pasta. Thanks for the tip, I always wondered how to preserve it longer.

    1. Mely, it does shrink and get darker over time, but the flavor is still excellent!

    2. Very interesting. I'll have to give this a try. Thank you.
