Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Using up last year's harvest...

One thing we always grow in our garden is sweet potatoes.  This time of year they are starting to sprout and I am trying hard to use them up so they won't go to waste!
Here is a nice recipe for a lovely pudding that I make with them.  The original recipe calls for cocoa and vanilla extract, but I cannot eat very much chocolate because I am sensitive to the caffeine and theobromine in it, so I use carob powder and almond extract, instead of cocoa and vanilla extract. Carob, of course, does not taste like chocolate, but it is very good in its own right and is also a very healthy food.  


In a high-speed blender, combine the following:

2 cups cooked sweet potato, boiled, peeled and mashed
1 1/4 cups plain plant milk (I use homemade soy milk)
8 pitted deglet noir dates (or maybe 4 or 5 medjool dates)
1 teaspoon pure almond extract
1/4 cup carob powder

Blend until very smooth and then refrigerate until cold, covered.


  1. Do you use the same amount of cocoa as you do carob? This looks like something I would enjoy, thanks!

  2. This looks yummy! Sweet potatoes are so versatile.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL !!! You must be a hater of sweet potatoes! (Or carob?)
