Sunday, July 21, 2024

A tiny tip about bar soap....

Here is a bar of my homemade soap (sitting on a slice of luffa gourd so it can drain.)  This is what I almost always use to wash my hands and face at the bathroom sink.  Now here is an extremely tiny tip. This time of year where we live it gets very warm and humid and the soap absorbs water and can become so soft it will fall apart. When it gets a little soft, all you have to do is just take the bar up in your dry hands and rub it on your skin a little.  THEN add water and lather up. It saves the soap!



  1. That is a great tip! I hope you think it's funny that though I read the title, at first glance I still thought that was an apple slice on a Triscuit. :)

  2. :) I used an empty cardboard raisin box as a mold for the soap and then after I sliced the soap, I cut eat piece in half. That is why it's so odd!

    1. I love that you find what works for your mold!

    2. PS: the comment about loving your mold was from me, kath001. I'm on my phone, so it shows 'anonymous'.

    3. Very nice to hear from you kath001 !

  3. Great tip!

    What I do is using two bars of soap that I alternate. When one gets a bit too soft, I put it outside at the windowsill and it stays there until it's dried. By the time it's dry enough, the other bar of soap is soft enough to have to sit at the windowsill as well. And it goes on like that.
