Thursday, September 3, 2015

My blog and it's reach...

I started this blog on December 9, 2009.  I just wanted to share the things I have learned to do and the journey as I've learned a bit more.  I had no idea that I would really be able to help a lot of people, but it has worked out that way.  On blogspot there is a place you can check to see how many "hits" you get on various posts on the blog, and also a map of where the readers live.  Here are the statistics from the past 7 days.  I find I can now kind of track the seasons just by watching the blog traffic.  As you can see, this is peach canning season and people are beginning to replace zippers in their coats and jackets.  It makes me very happy to think I've been able to get the word out about these skills.  And my Home Canned Chili Beans recipe has been a big hit!  Thank you all for reading my blog, and for the nice comments I've had over the last almost 8 years.  In all that time, I've only had one unkind remark and yes, I did publish it.  Now THAT is remarkable! (pun intended)  Have a lovely day! 

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Aug 19, 2011, 106 comments

Apr 3, 2012, 62 comments

Jul 21, 2012, 10 comments

Jul 6, 2012, 23 comments

Nov 19, 2010, 24 comments

Aug 28, 2015, 2 comments

Aug 4, 2012, 10 comments


Dec 10, 2009, 6 comments

Jul 3, 2013, 12 comments



  1. Congratulations! It is no small thing to help people live better lives! Angela

  2. I was thinking about you and your blog the other day. And I have a question for you: when are you going to start making money out of it? You deserve it!

    1. Hi Mely. I don't plan to monitize my blog. I have no problem with other people doing that, but I determined early on that this is only for information and to be helpful.

    2. I used to think the same way. I wanted to share my recipes and just have fun doing it. But then, people started using my content to create their own website and placed ads to make money. Using my photos and recipes. And they still do. I'm glad you like to share all the things you know for us to enjoy! Blessings.

    3. That's not nice that they do that, for sure! I doubt that the quality of my content would warrant that, though. Your photos are spectacular and your recipes wonderful and unusual (at least not typical to me!) Since I am 66 now, and of course have no idea how much longer I might live, it might not be such a bad thing for some of my ideas to be spread around elsewhere. I wonder what happens when a blog isn't tended for a long long time.

    4. That something to think about, the idea never occurred to me. I'm sure you will have a long life with many more years to share your creativity.

  3. Very nice, I really enjoy learning from you! Thanks.

  4. I don't know how long I've been reading your blog but I sure like it and consider you an online friend.
    Debbie O

    1. Thank you, Debbie O. It has been a while for sure. And you are dear to me. I hope someday we can meet. If not in this life, then in the next! By the way, you don't have my current email address. The old one got totally hacked and locked me out. If you would like to have it, leave a comment with yours and I will email you and not publish your comment. Thanks for visiting!
