The Broccoli ~
New little strawberry row ~
The kale ~
Not much happening in the greenhouse right now, I've just let some of the seedlings remain and also the sweet potato tubers ~
Cucumbers ~
Some of the tomatoes ~
Onions ~
Kentucky Wonder pole beans ~
Sweet potato vines ~
Zinnias and Marigolds ~
Leeks ~
Potatoes ~
We have a rotting tree stump in the garden. My husband piled the barn litter on there last fall and I made little "bowls" of garden soil in there and planted a variety of squashes and pumpkins. It is going crazy!
A view of the early corn ~
The late corn ~
French horticulture beans and Top Crop green beans ~
So far we've had some nice cucumbers, about a peck of green beans, onions, kale, Swiss chard, basil, collards, and radishes to eat. If we can keep out the raccoons, we'll have corn before long. I put some lumps of Irish Spring bath soap in the beans to keep the deer away, and some "Shake Away" (LOOK HERE) on the sweet potatoes to keep the rabbits from eating the vines.
It sounds like if there were no hunting laws and seasons, I could grow my own game. Of course, the bunnies are so cute and the deer are beautiful and fascinating.... I couldn't harvest them anyway.
I LOVE this time of year. I even enjoy the heat and humidity. It is delicious to me. One thing that has helped this year is that we are not using our air conditioning. We just have a lot of fans. That way, I am not "afraid" to go outside, because I am adjusted to the heat.