Deb, who blogs over at
Doing my Best for Him is hosting a home tour today (for those brave enough to do it!)
Welcome to our home!

We call this the "work room." It is a converted garage. We heat our house with wood and hang a little fan in the door between this room and the dining room to move the heat along. In the foreground on the left, is a little fridge that I use for goat milk storage. The wooden rack on the right is for firewood.

Same room, view toward the outside door:

The exciting hallway at the end of which is my vacuum cleaner and the kitty's litter box:

Welcome to my sewing room. I take in sewing to help the budget a bit:

Another sewing room view. You can see my spinning wheel up there:

Out the door from the sewing room:

The sewing corner:

Our bedroom (and whole house!) will never be ready for House Beautiful Magazine. We live in it.

The bed. And an old family photo of all of us. We bought this antique sleigh bed for $30 back in 1972.

My dresser and nightstand:

My nest - the livingroom:

The side of the living room. Our books and jumble of baskets. I really do use them, but this is where they stay in the mean time:

Television and grandmother clock and a few other items in the living room:

More of the same:

Utility room:

Washer and dryer (Have you fallen asleep yet?)

Home canned things in food storage room. I have foil covering the windows to keep most of the light out:

"Store bought" things in food room:

My elliptical exercise machine is in there too. Yes, I really use it.

Dining room and as you can see, sort of an extension of my kitchen:

Another view:

And my piano:

And china cabinet:

Curio cabinet:

View into kitchen:

In the corner of the kitchen:

Hoosier cupboard and shelves. A friend made those shelves for me. What a blessing! If I didn't cook much, I wouldn't need them. But I do. A lot. See the cheese press? It has some cheddar in it:

My kitchen range:

My messy fridge with milking buckets and radio on top:

Oh, yes, and the bathroom:

From the other end:

Front of the house:

Who do you see out there?

Abby, Gracie and Susie:

I made these compost bins from free wood pallets and wired them together with wire coat hangers about 12 years ago. They look very... uh... well, they still work!

Here is the door we go in:

That's it! Our jumbled, comfy home. Now you know. :)