I did not take any pictures, but it turned out so well that I wanted to tell you about it. I was just throwing a meal together at the last minute.
Sausage, Potatoes and Cabbage
1 pound smoked Eckrich skinless sausage
1 Tablespoon lard
5 potatoes
1 head cabbage cut into 4 pieces
2 cups water
Cut the sausage into 1/2 inch slices.
Melt the lard in a heavy bottomed kettle (I used my cast iron Dutch oven)
Fry the sausage slices until they start to get sort of brown on the cut sides
Add 2 cups of water
Cut the potatoes into nice chunks
Add them to the pan
Place the cabbage quarters on top of the potatoes with the cut side up
Cover, bring to a boil, then reduce to simmer and cook for 20 - 30 minutes or until the potatoes and cabbage are tender
Using a slotted spoon, dish up into large bowls or onto plates, leaving the liquid in the pan.
Serve with salt and pepper on the side
Serves 4 and it's really delicious!
I saved the broth in the refrigerator to use for soup stock.
Cabbage is traditional New Year's Day fare here in the USA. This would be a good, quick, and easy way to serve it!
I linked this recipe to Wardeh's Tuesday Twister at GNOWFGLINS!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Day After Christmas...
Here is the part of our family that spent Christmas weekend with us. We also had another son and his wife and their 4 children for our annual Christmas Eve homemade donuts and then for lunch on Christmas Day. It was very bubbly! And so nice to have them here.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
My New Bread Recipe - whole grain
I frequently try different approaches to bread making. Here is a recipe I came up with a couple months ago. I've made it 3 times now and really like it.
NEW BREAD ~ 5 loaves
1 Tablespoon dry yeast
6 1/4 cups very warm water (about 110F)
1 large potato (cooked in the microwave and then put through the ricer and cooled)
2 Tablespoons RealSalt
2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 eggs
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup flax seed, ground
3 cups quick oats
Whole wheat flour
All-purpose flour for kneading
1 egg mixed with 1/2 shell of water
unhulled sesame seeds
Put the yeast in a large bowl.
Pour in the water
Add the potato, salt, nutritional yeast, eggs, oil, honey, flax seed and oats. Stir well.
Add whole wheat flour until it is enough to make a nice kneadable dough.
Turn onto bread board floured with all-purpose flour.
Knead for 10 minutes, sprinkling more white flour under dough sparingly when it gets sticky.
Return dough to bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap.
Put bowl in warm (80F) place and let dough rise until double.
Punch down.
Let rise until double again.
Divide into 5 equal portions and form into loaves.
Put loaves in sprayed medium sized bread pans.
Pre-heat oven to 350F and set the pans on top of the oven while it is heating.
When dough has doubled and is nicely springy, brush with egg and water mixture and sprinkle the sesame seeds on top.
Bake for 45 minutes.
Remove from pans and cool on wire racks.
I am sharing this recipe at "Simple Lives Thursdays" over at GNOWFGLINS and at Traditional Tuesday!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Old Milwaukee Rye Bread
I think I am going to drown in drool. This bread is baking right now and the aroma is heavenly! The recipe comes from:
The Complete Book of Breads by Bernard Clayton, copyright 1973. Clayton has written other books since then. This was the original and my wonderful sister bought a copy for me back when it was first published. I think he was largely responsible for teaching a new generation to make excellent bread. Many of our parents grew up eating homemade bread, but then commercially produced bread became readily available after WWII and my generation was never taught how to do it. I remember the first time I tried to make bread. I had no one to show me, and it would have made a good door stop I think. All of that has changed over the years. A friend taught me how, hands-on in 1972 and I've been doing it every since. Good bread is such a blessing and a joy!
So, here is the recipe. It's one of my favorites. I don't make it very often, because it is only partially whole grain, but if you need rye bread - say for ham and Swiss cheese sandwiches or something like that, THIS is the bread to have!
This is a two or three day affair that produces a fine rye loaf. It can be made into 2 large round loaves, or 3 or 4 long, slender loaves.
Under the taut plastic wrap covering the bowl, the sponge will rise and fall as it bubbles to it's maximum goodness in approximately 3 days, give or take a few hours.
The sponge: 1 scant Tablespoon (1 package) dry yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water (105F - 115F)
2 cups medium rye flour
1 Tablespoon caraway seed
All of the sponge
1 package dry yeast
1 cup warm water (105F - 115F)
1/4 cup molasses
1 Tablespoon caraway seed
1 egg
1 tablespoon salt
1 cup rye flour
5 to 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, approximately (I used less)
3 Tablespoons butter
Glaze: 1 egg
1 Tablespoon milk
Caraway seed
Baking sheet, greased or non-stick, or with a silicone mat
Set the sponge in a large bowl by dissolving yeast in the water. Stir in rye flour. Add caraway seeds. Cover the bowl snugly with plastic wrap. The sponge may be used anytime after 6 hours although the longer the better - up to 3 days when it will have ceased fermenting.
On baking day, uncover the sponge bowl, sprinkle on the new yeast and add the water. Stir well and then add the molasses, caraway, egg, salt, rye flour, and about 2 cups of the white flour. Stir this together well and then start adding more white flour 1/2 cup at a time. When you have enough, the dough will clean the sides of the bowl as you stir.
Turn your dough onto a floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, sprinkling just a little white flour under the dough if things get sticky.
Return to large bowl and butter the top of the dough. Replace the plastic wrap and let your dough rise in a warm (80F) place until when you poke it with your finger, it sighs, and does not spring back. Punch it down and allow to rise for 10 more minutes while you pre-heat your oven to 375F.
Working on your floured surface, you can form the dough into two large round loaves, or 4 long skinny loaves and put those on your baking sheet. As you can see, mine are the big round ones.
I lightly sprayed the top of my loaves with baking spray and then placed the plastic wrap on top of them and set it back in the warm place. Let your loaves raise until double, slash them with a sharp knife in 3 places (I use a serrated bread knife) and the mix the egg and milk, brush it over the tops of the loaves and sprinkle them with a bit more caraway seed.
Bake at 375F for about 40 minutes. It took these 45 minutes to get done. Then let them cool on a wire rack.
This bread will keep for at least a week and freezes well. Please don't slice it before it is cool.
This will be on our Christmas buffet table.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Potato Soup
3 bacon slices, sliced into little pieces
2 medium onions, chopped
5 medium potatoes, scrubbed and cubed
1 pint chicken broth
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper (or more to taste)
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup white flour stirred into 1/2 cup warm water
Using a heavy-bottomed soup kettle (I used my cast iron Dutch oven,) over medium/low heat, cook the bacon and the onions together, stirring, until the bacon starts to look done.
Add the chicken broth, potatoes and enough water to cover the vegetables. Add salt and pepper.
Bring to a boil, cover, and allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Add the milk, and stirring, bring back up to a simmer. As you stir the soup, slowly add the flour and water mixture, a little at a time, and let it return to simmering each time. When the soup is as thick and creamy as you like, then simmer, covered, very gently for another 30 minutes.
Taste and correct the seasoning.
This is perfect comfort food.
At this point, you could eat the soup. But I highly recommend that you pour it into a covered glass container and refrigerate it for 24 hours before eating. It improves quite a lot that way.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Chicken Pot Pie - Worthy of company!
Oh, how I wish you were all here... we just ate some of the most heavenly chicken pot pie. I made up the recipe, and want to share it with you. (3/4 of the pie is left. So if you hurry right over, you might get a piece while it's still warm and fresh.)
When my husband and I were first married, money was very tight and one of our staples was store-bought chicken pot pie. In those days, one little single serving pie cost 15 cents. When it went up to 30 cents, we quit buying them. As I said, money was a bit scarce. But we've always loved chicken pot pie and we were talking about it yesterday. Unless I was desperate, I wouldn't eat one of those now, but our conversation made me want some. Here it is after we served ourselves:

A closer look at the filling:

Here you can see the edge of the crust:

Ok, so lets see if I can remember!
2 cups diced cooked chicken meat
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 medium white potato, peeled and cut into small cubes
1 small can of mushrooms, drained and sauteed briefly in 1 Tablespoon of butter
1 pint of home canned corn, boiled for 7 minutes and then drained
Most of a batch of homemade cream of chicken soup (recipe below)
2 1/2 cups white flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup extra-virgin coconut oil
Place those three ingredients in the bowl of your food processor and pulse until nicely mixed together, then start adding, a little at a time:
Cold whole milk
Add a little milk, pulse, add a little more, pulse until the ball of dough comes together, then remove from processor and divide in two portions. Roll out on a floured surface and put the first crust into your pie pan. Reserve the other portion until you have the filling ready.
HOMEMADE CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP (enough for the pie with a little left over.)
1/4 butter
1/2 cup white flour (divided)
1 teaspoon sea salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
1/8 teaspoon ground poultry seasoning
1 quart chicken stock. (2 days ago I made homemade chicken and noodles, and I boiled a whole chicken for that. I used the dark meat in the soup and then saved the remainder of the meat for other dishes in the freezer. The way I made this stock was after I picked the meat from the bones, I broke the bones in pieces, put all of them and the fat and gristle into a pan, added a smallish splash of raw apple cider vinegar and barely covered them with water and simmered for 2 hours, strained the broth out at kept it in the refrigerator until I needed it today.)
1/2 cup light cream, half & half, or whole milk
Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium/low heat. Add 1/4 cup of the flour and stir until it is all absorbed. Then, a little at a time, add the chicken stock, stirring in thoroughly so it won't get lumpy.
When all the chicken stock is in, add the salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. Then, put about 1/4 cup of warm water in a small bowl and stir the remaining 1/4 cup of flour into it. Then as the soup is simmering, gradually add the flour/water mixture until it seems pretty thick to you. Stir constantly and don't let it scorch. When it is quite thick, add, stirring, 1/2 cup of light cream, and heat a little bit more.
There, now your cream soup is done!
To assemble the pie, as I said, put the first crust into the pie pan. Then mix together the filling ingredients, leaving out about 1 cup of the cream soup, as that will probably be too much.
Pour the mixture into the bottom crust and even it out. Then, roll out the second crust, using plenty of flour so it won't stick...
One thing I do when rolling out crust, is... I have a long flat spatula, and once in a while I carefully run that UNDER the crust to help keep it from sticking.
Place the second crust on top of the filling and cut a few vents so the steam can escape. Tuck the top crust around and under the bottom crust and using your fingers, flute the edge.
Bake at 350F for at least an hour and maybe another 10 - 15 minutes. The crust needs to be browning and then you'll know it's done.
Cool for 1/2 hour before serving.
Serve with a fresh tossed salad, a lot of it, and eat that first or else you are going to have a hard time not consuming this whole pie at one sitting.
I don't know why blogger does these things to me. The bold faced type and the italic script seem to be stuck on. Sigh.... ;)
I shared this recipe on Wardeh's "Simple Lives Thursdays" over at GNOWFGLINS. :)
Also linked to Clever Chicks Blog Hop #21
When my husband and I were first married, money was very tight and one of our staples was store-bought chicken pot pie. In those days, one little single serving pie cost 15 cents. When it went up to 30 cents, we quit buying them. As I said, money was a bit scarce. But we've always loved chicken pot pie and we were talking about it yesterday. Unless I was desperate, I wouldn't eat one of those now, but our conversation made me want some. Here it is after we served ourselves:
A closer look at the filling:
Here you can see the edge of the crust:
Ok, so lets see if I can remember!
2 cups diced cooked chicken meat
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 medium white potato, peeled and cut into small cubes
1 small can of mushrooms, drained and sauteed briefly in 1 Tablespoon of butter
1 pint of home canned corn, boiled for 7 minutes and then drained
Most of a batch of homemade cream of chicken soup (recipe below)
2 1/2 cups white flour
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup extra-virgin coconut oil
Place those three ingredients in the bowl of your food processor and pulse until nicely mixed together, then start adding, a little at a time:
Cold whole milk
Add a little milk, pulse, add a little more, pulse until the ball of dough comes together, then remove from processor and divide in two portions. Roll out on a floured surface and put the first crust into your pie pan. Reserve the other portion until you have the filling ready.
HOMEMADE CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP (enough for the pie with a little left over.)
1/4 butter
1/2 cup white flour (divided)
1 teaspoon sea salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
1/8 teaspoon ground poultry seasoning
1 quart chicken stock. (2 days ago I made homemade chicken and noodles, and I boiled a whole chicken for that. I used the dark meat in the soup and then saved the remainder of the meat for other dishes in the freezer. The way I made this stock was after I picked the meat from the bones, I broke the bones in pieces, put all of them and the fat and gristle into a pan, added a smallish splash of raw apple cider vinegar and barely covered them with water and simmered for 2 hours, strained the broth out at kept it in the refrigerator until I needed it today.)
1/2 cup light cream, half & half, or whole milk
Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium/low heat. Add 1/4 cup of the flour and stir until it is all absorbed. Then, a little at a time, add the chicken stock, stirring in thoroughly so it won't get lumpy.
When all the chicken stock is in, add the salt, pepper and poultry seasoning. Then, put about 1/4 cup of warm water in a small bowl and stir the remaining 1/4 cup of flour into it. Then as the soup is simmering, gradually add the flour/water mixture until it seems pretty thick to you. Stir constantly and don't let it scorch. When it is quite thick, add, stirring, 1/2 cup of light cream, and heat a little bit more.
There, now your cream soup is done!
To assemble the pie, as I said, put the first crust into the pie pan. Then mix together the filling ingredients, leaving out about 1 cup of the cream soup, as that will probably be too much.
Pour the mixture into the bottom crust and even it out. Then, roll out the second crust, using plenty of flour so it won't stick...
One thing I do when rolling out crust, is... I have a long flat spatula, and once in a while I carefully run that UNDER the crust to help keep it from sticking.
Place the second crust on top of the filling and cut a few vents so the steam can escape. Tuck the top crust around and under the bottom crust and using your fingers, flute the edge.
Bake at 350F for at least an hour and maybe another 10 - 15 minutes. The crust needs to be browning and then you'll know it's done.
Cool for 1/2 hour before serving.
Serve with a fresh tossed salad, a lot of it, and eat that first or else you are going to have a hard time not consuming this whole pie at one sitting.
I don't know why blogger does these things to me. The bold faced type and the italic script seem to be stuck on. Sigh.... ;)
I shared this recipe on Wardeh's "Simple Lives Thursdays" over at GNOWFGLINS. :)
Also linked to Clever Chicks Blog Hop #21
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Basil Vinegar Vinaigrette
Do you remember this? It has been very successful and I still have at least half of the basil remaining in the jar of vinegar. It occured to me the other day that the vinegar might be really nice in a Vinaigrette. I was right. I strained out some of the extra vinegar to use.
Above you can see the various ingredients. I had not finished the recipe when I took this picture, so you won't see as much vinegar in the little measuring cup as I actually used.
Basil Vinegar Vinaigrette
1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup basil vinegar
1 teaspoon RealSalt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Combine all the ingredients in a jar with a lid:
Shake it up and serve!
We used it on a fresh green salad from the greenhouse. Oh, my... what a treat on a snowy day in December!
For wonderful and beautiful recipes, very healthy, check out Wardeh's "Tuesday Twister" over at GNOWGLINS.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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