My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Even though I've been aware of food born illness epidemics, I had No Idea the scope of the problem. This book exposes the severely inadequate government oversight of our food supply. Particularly now, the food chain is international... not that our domestic supply is all that safe, but the international situation is downright terrifying. Toward the end of the book, the authors tell you how to best keep from getting sick, disabled, or dead from the food you eat.
I think from now on, I am going to continue, first of all, to grow as much as I can of our food, and also purchase locally more, and I doubt I will buy any food that comes from other countries, perhaps with the exception of bananas. Those really should be washed too, under running tap water and with a brush and patted dry right before you eat them.
One of the things I was unaware of is that you can even get food born illnesses from spices! Makes growing your own herbs even more attractive.
And did you know... you should not cut a piece of fruit in half and store part of it in the fridge to eat later. Sigh...
Anyway, Read This Book. It may very well save your life. About a thousand people die each year in our country from contaminated food.
It won't make you paranoid... just considerably more careful.
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