I will now walk you through a "quick" view of a day in my life.
The night before, I put a batch of milk kefir to drain and here is the whey waiting for me in the kitchen this morning:

Milked the goats:

Fed the milk foam to Badger:

Washed the milking buckets and things:

Cooked and ate breakfast:

Washed the morning dishes:

Hung up some laundry:

Prepared several packages of kefir grains to mail:

Rode my bike to the post office to mail them:

Admired the day lily plants waiting to give to my daughter:

Admired the hens and chickens from my daughter:

Quit lollygagging around and pumped some iron:

Picked the tomatoes:

Ate a tomato:

Dug a few Yukon Gold potatoes:

Picked some basil:

Picked some peppers:

Picked a few shell - out beans:

And some Swiss chard:

Dug a few sweet potatoes:

Prepared everything to make vegetable soup for lunch:

Made the yummy soup:

Ate lunch:

Washed up the lunch dishes:

Studied scriptures:

Practiced on the piano:

Took dry laundry off of the clothesline and folded it into a basket:

And hung up a few more things to dry:

Put the extra vegetable soup into jars and into the pressure canner:

And washed up the dishes:

Put a comfy chair and a book in the kitchen so I can keep a careful eye on the canner pressure:

Started the canner and then made a batch of chocolate pudding from the recipe my daughter invented 3 years ago:

Took the jars of soup out of the canner:

Washed up the dishes:

Cleaned the bathroom:

Did a little ironing:

Tidied my sewing room:

Ate a little snacky supper:

Washed the bit of supper dishes:

Folded and put away the dry laundry:

Cleaned my house kitty's litter box:

Time to go milk the goats again:

On my way to the barn:

Feed the outside kitty:

Gracie is waiting for some hay:

Abby is all ready to be milked and is eating her grain:

I am sitting on the milking stand, waiting for Gracie to finish eating. She makes a LOT of milk, so it takes her a while to eat all of her grain and I must wait. If I leave the barn, she'll get lonely and start calling me instead of eating. When you milk an animal, you really do get into their emotional life and I have a bond with my girls. Here is my view from where I am sitting:

Reboot the milk and water kefirs:

Wash everything up:

Watch a movie with my husband and drink kefir soda:

Admire the collection of seed packets that came in the mail today from
Renee's Garden:

Now for "The Gentlest of All Duties."

Good night everyone. :)
This day in my life is linked up to
Simple Lives Thursday #61 !