Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is it Spring YET?

I went out today and did some weeding in the greenhouse. Where we live, we have had spring-like weather on and off all winter and never had the usual bitter temperatures even yet. It was 70 degrees in there as I was working today. Very nice and sunny!

Here is the kale bed:

Do you remember the mullein plant I left in there? Here she is!

Here is what she looked like last Fall:

As the warmer weather comes, she will send up a tall flower stalk. Mullein is biennial.

Here you can see the Bright Lights Swiss chard. It's so pretty. I'll be able to use it all summer if I take off the flower stalks as they try to grow.

Kelly Kale:

Here is what I brought in for dinner:

A closer view of the Swiss Chard:

View from the door:

And here is a picture of the little Finnish garlics happily growing under some straw mulch outside in the garden:

Lacinto Kale:

I am so very grateful for our greenhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, your greenhouse is a blessing and you are using is wisely. Greens are so good for you.


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