Here is the kale bed:
Do you remember the mullein plant I left in there? Here she is!
Here is what she looked like last Fall:
As the warmer weather comes, she will send up a tall flower stalk. Mullein is biennial.
Here you can see the Bright Lights Swiss chard. It's so pretty. I'll be able to use it all summer if I take off the flower stalks as they try to grow.
Kelly Kale:
Here is what I brought in for dinner:
A closer view of the Swiss Chard:
View from the door:
And here is a picture of the little Finnish garlics happily growing under some straw mulch outside in the garden:
Lacinto Kale:
I am so very grateful for our greenhouse.
Yes, your greenhouse is a blessing and you are using is wisely. Greens are so good for you.