Sunday, November 15, 2020

It's like having a tomato vine in my kitchen!

As the weather has gotten colder this fall, I've been bringing our green tomatoes from the garden into the house.  When frost threatened, I brought them all in.  This project has been wildly successful!  We set up a little card table and covered it with newspaper, then placed the tomatoes on there, slightly spaced apart and as they ripen, I use them in cooking or for fresh eating. Very few have gone bad.  I love how it looks.  I am sure I'll still have some at Thanksgiving.

I know that some people wrap each tomato in newspaper and lay them in boxes, but at least for me this is much better.  I don't have to keep unwrapping and checking them for ripeness.  It does take up some space in our small house, but it's worth it!

Here are the ones I "harvested" today.  I used them in spaghetti sauce. 


  1. ....and they look beautiful too. Our tomatoes, here in the Southern part of the world, have only just been planted so a little while yet before we get to harvest the bounty.

    1. Thank you. :) I do love how they look and it's so interesting to watch them ripen. Sometimes, in the morning I'll have only one that seems ripe and by the end of the day several more are getting close.


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