Monday, March 3, 2025

Just to let you know...

 My sweet Jim, the love of my life and husband of 53 years, passed away suddenly on February 18th. He died of heart failure in his sleep. There was no suffering. He was 78 years old. All 6 of our children gathered and we had several days together. The outpouring of love and support has been so wonderful. I really had no idea how many lives he had touched until the funeral. There were at least 200 people in attendance. Oh how I miss him. I know he is watching over me and when I am finished here on this earth, I will be with him eternally. He was the best man, the best husband, the best friend. I love him so. As one person said, "If Jim didn't go to heaven, there is no heaven." He will be greatly missed by many.



  1. Thank you for you consideration of all of us, with this update. My heart aches for you, know that you too are so cared about by many. Your love of family shows in all you do. May you continue to be surrounded by love.

    1. Thank you so much for this, Melynda@Scratch Made Food! It means a lot to me. Thank you. Thank you.


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